Driver Updates

Some known issues can be resolved by updating the firmware and drivers on your laptop.

What make is your laptop?

  1. Double click the Driver Update icon on your desktop.
    Driver Update icon.
  2. After a few seconds the following window will appear.
    Driver Update in progress screen.
  3. If any updates are found you will see a report like so:
    Driver Update report.

    If no updates are needed you will see a prompt like so:
    No updates needed.


  1. Open the Start Menu and then find and open Lenovo Commercial Vantage.
    Lenovo Commercial Vantage in Start Menu.
  2. On the screen that opens, click the blue CHECK FOR SYSTEM UPDATES button.
    Lenovo Commercial Vantage main screen.
  3. If any updates are found, tick Select All and then Update Now.
    Lenovo Commercial Vantage available updates screen.
  4. If any of the updates require a reboot, you will be notified, just press OK.
    Lenovo Commercial Vantage reboot prompt.
  5. Once the updates are installed, a prompt to reboot will appear, either press Yes or No depending on if you want to reboot yet.